
Phase 2

Purpose: Create a multi-purpose community gathering space for food, fun, public and private events, and recreation.

Overview: A full aesthetic restoration of the basement social hall, commercial kitchen, sub-basement gymnasium, boiler room, maintenance room, bathrooms, and community rooms plus a new elevator system, green infrastructure installation, parking lot renovation, community playground and a modern fitness room and shower/sauna/spa.

Benchmarks: Plaster repair, window replacement, pipe repair/replacement, electrical repair/replacement, sub-basement gut renovation, staircase repair, elevator repair, boiler repair/replacement, maintenance room overhaul, gymnasium installation, fitness room installation, shower/sauna/spa installation, side entrance facade restoration and upgrades, front desk installation, side door staff office restoration and upgrades

Temple Beth El 1953 Basketball team, photo courtesy of the Rabbi Leo M. Franklin Archive at Temple Beth El
Temple Beth El 1953 Basketball team, photo courtesy of the Rabbi Leo M. Franklin Archive at Temple Beth El